Pawrent’s Guide to

Dog Safe Gardening

Gardening season is almost here!

Feel confident in planting your garden in a way that keeps your furry friends safe from toxins.

This guide breaks down what herbs, vegetables, greens, fruits and more are safe to plant for your pup.

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Why is this important?

If you’re constantly Googling “Can my dog eat…” then this guide is for you!

As my husband and I started to plan our spring garden we was surprised by how many things we planned to do that are toxic to Wendell.

Here’s the thing, Wendell is a grazer. Embracing his cow-like appearance he likes to sample anything that’s green. This is why last fall he landed in the emergency vet after deciding to munch on a muscadine vine in our yard.

It’s so easy to overlook potential toxins. Whether you’re just starting to garden or looking to expand your knowledge of dog safety this guide is for you!

With 80+ plant species identified this guide is sure to provide you with all the knowledge you need to keep your dog safe.